This particular SMG 45 was at Range Day at Triggrcon 2019 as well as a range demo for Rainier. With over seven thousand rounds fired, we have had zero malfunctions. We’ve shot numerous types of 45 ACP ammunition through it, both suppressed and unsuppressed and so far this thing has held up like a champ and shoots like a dream. There is a reason why this sub-gun, in particular, is at the top of everyone’s favorite list. But that should be expected from a company like LWRC.
LWRC SMG-45 Pistol For Sale
The LWRC SMG-45 Pistol is manufactured by LWRC International in the U.S.A and is built to the highest standards of any SUB-GUN available on the market today. This latest version of the SMG-45 has been punished in harshest and most rigorous conditions during testing. Ensuring that it will not fail under the most demanding conditions and environments. LWRC International has been developing it for over 4 years. After seven generations, LWRC International would finally put their stamp of approval on it. Making it the perfect close quarter weapon for military, police and all shooters alike.
Don’t like waiting for those Awful Tax Stamps? Wait no longer with the all New LWRC SMG-45 Pistol with stabilizer brace, It requires not class 3 Tax stamp.
Buy LWRC SMG 45 Pistols at the Nations Largest LWRC Dealer located in Richmond Texas! Feel free to call us with any questions on the all new SMG 45 or chat with us online during regular chat hours. Shop More LWRC Rifles Online at Huge Discount Pricing!
The SMG 45 is not exactly a brand new gun. It was announced 5 years ago to address a contract solicitation. From there the company has been turning them out in limited numbers to fulfill that order, but this year they finally made the move to bring it to the consumer market. It’s up against a plethora of 9mm pistol caliber carbines offered by so many different companies. The 9mm round is great for certain applications and is very cheap, making it easier to shoot more without breaking the bank. But, very few reliable options exist for the 45 ACP platform.
In simple terms, the SMG 45 is the perfect marriage of the standard AR-15 controls we know and love with a short recoil-delayed blowback system. Most pistol caliber carbines utilize a more simple direct blowback system which is easier to produce and considerably cheaper. The cons of this are a heavier bolt system which relies on a buffer with a strong recoil spring which beats up AR15 trigger groups and other internal parts.
The beauty of the delayed blowback system used in the SMG 45 is that it delays opening the bolt until the pressures are lower, allowing them to use a smaller and lighter weight recoil system. This allows the design to be considerably lighter compared to other options. The gun itself weighs 5.9 pounds but feels solid, and durable. The pistol has fully ambidextrous controls and is compatible with AR15 trigger groups as well as safety selectors. The only real departure from typical AR controls is the addition of an HK style paddle mag release, which isn’t a big issue once you start running it.
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